Taking care of natural grass requires hours of daily upkeep, which involves the use of incredible amounts of water and fuel. When you’re too busy working or simply incapable of carrying out strenuous tasks on your yard, you may wonder how you can keep your lawn green and healthy-looking.

By installing artificial turf, you can keep your lawn green year round and avoid mowing and weeding. Before you decide if artificial turf is right for your yard in Atlanta, however, you might want to consider asking yourself the following important questions first.

Is Artificial Grass Safe for the Environment?

Maintaining green and thick live lawn may require the use of chemicals like insecticides and weed killers. These chemicals, while effective in eliminating threats that can kill your live grass, may pose a risk to the environment, particularly to the top soil and underground water.

If you want to avoid harming the natural environment in and around your property, installing artificial turf can help minimize the impact that your landscape has natural resources. Artificial grass is eco-friendly and will not contaminate the soil, water, or air. It can be the ideal green choice for environmentally-conscious homeowners like you.

Is Artificial Grass Safe for My Kids and Pets?

As a parent, you may look forward to sending your children and pets out to play in the yard. As you consider artificial grass as landscaping option, however, you may wonder if the materials used to make the turf are really safe for kids and pets.

Modern-day artificial turf is crafted from recycled materials like rubber and designed to be safe for people and pets. Your kids, cats, and dogs can roll around, play, and have hours of fun without suffering injuries like rashes, bites, scrapes, or scratches, which are common when playing on live lawn.

Additionally, artificial grass is more hypoallergenic than its natural counterpart and does not have the pollen, fungus, and other allergens in it like live grass. It can be a viable choice for people whose children or pets suffer from outdoor allergies and asthma.

How Much Upkeep Will My Artificial Turf Require?

You may already be considering artificial turf after failing to maintain a live lawn. At the same time, you may be wondering how much effort you will have to put into a professionally installed artificial grass lawn. Will you need to spend hours outdoors cleaning it? Will you need to water and weed it like live grass?

The artificial turf installed by top companies like Atlanta Artificial Grass needs little upkeep yet can last for years. You do not need to water, weed, re-seed, or mow this type of lawn. It maintains a uniform, green, and healthy appearance year round without the hours of care required by live grass.

Experts can install your lawn in the most professional manner for you so that you can enjoy it right from the beginning. They can also maintain it when it comes loose or shows signs of damages like cracking or thinning.

While you do not need to spend hours maintaining artificial turf like you would natural grass, you still are reminded to take proper precaution with your yard. For example, you may inspect it routinely to ensure its proper appearance. Likewise, you can help it last longer by refraining from parking cars, placing heavy furniture, or allowing sharp objects like motor blades to come into contact with the artificial grass.

How Long Can My Artificial Turf Last?

With proper care, your artificial grass can last for many years. You can go from season to season with the yard intact even if it comes into contact with the elements, such as hail, heavy rains, winds, and drought.

When you choose to have it professionally installed by companies like Atlanta Artificial Grass, you are ensuring that it will last longer than if you installed it by yourself. Professional installers are well trained to ensure that the turf is securely in place and uniform in appearance once the job is finished.

Live grass lawn requires a lot of work and effort. Rather than putting up with a lawn that is dried, patchy, brown, or dead, you can get a green, lush lawn year round by having artificial turf lawn professionally installed on your property.

Hardscaping 101: Artificial Grass, Gardenista.com
How Long Does AstroTurf Last?, homeguides.sfgate.com

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